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今天登陆TI官方网站下载Zigbee协议栈时发现其ZigBee 2007 (ZigBee PRO) 的版本在4月9日进行了更新
网页http://focus.ti.com.cn/cn/docs/toolsw/folders/print/z-stack.html的支持软件软件处可以看到最新的ZigBee 2007 (ZigBee PRO) 协议栈版本,不用注册登陆就可以下载,如下所示:
Texas Instruments, Inc.
ZStack-MSP2618 Release Notes
ZigBee 2007 Release
Version 2.2.0-1.3.0
April 6, 2009
- This release has been certified for ZigBee and ZigBee-PRO compliance.
- Z-Stack supports the ZigBee 2007 Specification, including new features
such as PanID Conflict Resolution, Frequency Agility, and Fragmentation.
The ZigBee 2007 Specification (www.zigbee.org) defines two ZigBee stack
profiles, ZigBee and ZigBee-Pro. This release of Z-Stack provides support
for both of these profiles. See the Z-Stack Developer's Guide for details.
- The library files have been built and tested with EW430 version 4.20.1
( and may not work with previous versions of the IAR tools.
- When programming a target for the first time with this release, make sure
that you select "Erase main memory" in the Debugger->FET Debugger category
of IAR project options. When programming completes, select "Retain unchanged
memory" so that NV items are retained during later re-programming.
- Z-Stack reserves the first 8 bytes of the INFOA memory (0x1000-0x100F) for
permanent storage of a 64-bit IEEE address (unique for each ZigBee device).
The "Erase main and information memory" item in the Debugger->FET Debugger
category of IAR project options should not be used.
- Please review the document "Upgrading To Z-Stack v2.2.0" for information
about moving existing v2.1.0 applications to v2.2.0.
- Z-Stack now includes support for the ZigBee Alliance Smart Energy Profile.
This includes Smart Energy defined clusters, secure joining support, and
InterPAN communications. Refer to the "Z-Stack Developer's Guide" and the
"Z-Stack Smart Energy Developer's Guide" documents for details.
- This release introduces the new SE SampleApp for support of Smart Energy
applications. Refer to the "Smart Energy Sample Application User's Guide" for
details on the use of this application. The SETestApp has been removed.
- Z-Stack now provides InterPAN communications, which allows ZigBee devices
to perform limited exchange of information without joining a network. See
the "Z-Stack Developer's Guide" document for details.
- In previous Z-Stack releases, the MAC timer and the OSAL timer each used a
hardware timer. Z-Stack has been redesigned to provide user access to the
timer formerly required for OSAL (which now derives timing from the MAC).
- Z-Stack now permits the maximum MAC frame size to be configured from the
command-line variable MAC_MAX_FRAME_SIZE. This value defaults to 102 if
not overridden in the IDE or a configuration file (see f8wConfig.cfg).
- Z-Stack now provides support for Texas Instruments' CC2591 PA/LNA range
extender. The CC2591 increases the RF link budget by a PA for increased
transmit output power and an LNA for improved receiver sensitivity. See
the "HAL Driver API" document for details.
- ZCL logical cluster IDs and their mappings to actual cluster IDs have been
removed. Elimination of this unnecessary feature saves code space.
- Optimized OSAL timer calculations in the "osalTimeUpdate()" function by
changing from 32-bit to 16-bit arithmetic. This reduced the timer offset
computation time, lowering syatem overhead when timers are used.
- Optimized processing of the OSAL Timer linked list to reduce interrupt
latency when searching for or deleting a timer. This results in reduction
of about 60% of the minimum latency, which is now constant - does not
vary with the number of active timers.
- Re-organized the handling of IEEE addresses to eliminate the "write-once"
policy, allowing developers freedom to change IEEE address when needed.
When a "temporary" IEEE address is generated at start-up, Z-Stack no
longer waits for user intervention (a flashing LED used to prompt for a
button push). Refer to Section 7.2 of the "Z-Stack User's Guide" for details.
- Made assignment of a Router address (tree addressing) to an End-Device
an option (defaulted off). This permits an End-Device to occupy unused
Router address in topologies with few Routers. In the past, this feature
was always enabled and could "lock out" Routers when End-Devices
and Routers were joining at the same time.
- RSSI and correlation are now passed (along with LQI) from the MAC data
indication, through the network layer (including InterPAN), APS, and AF
to the application.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a problem in networks with asymetric links, where routers could
setup routes that were incorrect. In some instances, devices weren't
taking proper actions to remove these incorrect routing table entries
when they failed. [2800]
- Fixed a MAC problem where a "lock-up" could rarely happen under high
traffic device joining situations (such as network-wide reset). Problem
was mis-handling of "reserved"/"not reserved" status of allocated queue
buffers for MAC RX, MAC TX, or OSAL messages. [2763]
- Fixed potential usage (read) of an uninitialized structure pointer in the
function "zcl_SendReadReportCfgRspCmd()". [2754]
- Fixed potential usage (memory allocation) of an uninitialized buffer length
variable in the function"zclProcessInWriteUndividedCmd()". [2724]
- Fixed a potential buffer overrun when processing ZCL "Configure Reporting
Response" command. [2670]
- Fixed a potential buffer overrun for more than 16 devices in DEVICE_INFO
MT response message. [2652]
- Fixed ZCL problems which returned invalid group.ID values when processing
a received Groups Command, and invalid groupID and transTime values when
processing a received Scenes Command. [2633]
- Repaired a problem where an APS transport key message was sent to other
than just the joining device. This would incorrectly reset the frame counter
on the wrong device(s). [2601]
- Fixed a MAC timer problem which could result in a failure if two timers were
set to expire on the same backoff. [2478]
- Added new parameter to the ZCL foundation validation callback function to
pass the cluster ID and the attribute info up to the application. [2469]
- Repaired a problem in which a parent device would deliver an encrypted
transport key when there was no pre-configured key. [2460]
- Fixed a problem where: after an address coflict was resolved, Link Status
messages sent out by the device with the conflicted address would contain
an extra entry for the old address. [2458]
- Repaired a problem in which a parent device would deliver the dummy key
to a joining device in the clear. The dummy key is now encrypted with the
NWK key. [2451]
- Changed the System Server Discovery Response to set the APS ACK bit to
1 in the APS header. [2447]
- Changed the Network Report command to include both Source and Destination
IEEE addresses in the NWK header. [2445]
- Repaired the Route Request and Route Reply: changed the broadcast address
of the Route Request from 0xFFFF to 0xFFFD, and changed the NWK header of
the Route Reply to include the Destination IEEE address. [2444]
- Repaired the Network Leave command: the NWK header now includes Source
IEEE address, and the broadcast address is now 0xFFFD instead of 0xFFFF.
- Removed a time delay caused when a device is a member of a group that it
is trying to send a message to. [2432]
- Updated the DataRequest processing to set the ACK request bit in the APS
frame for all fragmented packets. [2395]
- Fixed a problem that caused a fragmentation failure when sending a long
message (OTA length > 127 bytes) with APS security enabled. [2391]
- Updated the ZCL callback processing functions to support more than one
endpoint -- a pointer to callback function was only being returned when
the specified endpoint was the first item in the linked-list. [2389]
- Restored processing of IEEE_addr-req messages for sleeping End-Devices.
- Repaired a route error reporting problem by routing to a device's parent
when the route request was issued for the device's neighbor (only applies
to "distributed address" networks). [2351]
- The afRegister(..) function has been changed to check for a duplicate end
point before adding an application's descriptor. [2341]
- Return values have been added to the functions in hal_ccm.h, previously
declared as void. In some instances, a memory allocation failure in one
of these functions would not be returned to the caller. [2276]
- Z-Tool has been updated to properly parse and display callback responses
for ZDO_MGMT_NWK_DISC_REQ and ZDO_MGMT_LQI_REQ commands. [2248]
Known Issues:
- To disable security at build time, use the "SECURE=0" compile option. Do
not attempt to disable security by setting the SECURITY_LEVEL to zero.
- The ZDO Complex Descriptor is not supported.
For technical support please contact:
Texas Instruments, Inc.
Low Power RF