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CAE Lite(as of Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 M070
Guiding interface walks users through analysis setup on simpler models
–Static Structural Analysis for Parts and Assemblies
–Apply Loads and Constraints (Displacement, Pin, Ball, Planar)
–Full results functionality
?F Probing, Animation, etc…
Mechanica Solution Technology
Complete upward model compatibility to full Mechanica!
CAM Lite(as of Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 M070
Will provide basic 2 ?-axis milling capability, allowing machining of prismatic parts in 5-axis positioning
Easy to use, intuitive UI
Limitation is a hardcoded, generic (Fanuc) GPOST, so that the user can see example G-Code output; only CL file output
Specific GPOST can be purchased from AustinNCor other vendors.
Manikin Lite(as of Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 M060
Any Pro/E user may load, place, edit placementand manipulate a manikin in the scene, with the following limitations:
–Limited tools for manipulation(2D drag and apply posture only)
–No ergonomics analysis; no reach envelope; no vision cones and no vision window
–No ability to Save designs that include a Manikin
All in the Pro/ENGINEER Foundation XE package44